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Les Squares Dansants

Outdoor dance event hosted over four dates in July and August

featured in Events calendar Updated

The dance of all ages on the dance floor, installed on the square of Verdun, facing Bijou beach. Accompanied by a band in the style of ballroom dancing (rock, tango, pasodoble, waltz, cha-cha-cha, etc.), you can join the dancing fun for the small sum.

Note that participants can take a seat on the pedestal tables and chairs arranged around the track or quench their thirst by taking the direction of the bar. 'Taxis Boys' are also present for the occasion to offer you a dance partner should you need one.

Alors on danse ...

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Where and when

This event is hosted at Square de Verdun, Boulevard de la Croisette, on various dates throughout the summer months.


Square de Verdun


Launched in 2012, under the leadership of David Lisnard, the event Squares The dancing was attended by nearly 3,000 people in two years.


Map of the surrounding area