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Giant Squid Caught off the Coast of Cannes Prompts World Record Attempt
Normally found in deeper waters this surprise catch has captured the imagination of local chefs
Known to grow up to around 14 metres in length, little is known of the Giant Squid as they are rarely sighted and in fact were only filmed for the first time in July 2012.
However, this amazing catch by local fisherman in Cannes has captured the interest and imagination of people across France. Exceeded in size only by the Colossal Squid, the Giant Squid is the second largest of all extant invertebrates. They are normally found in the very deepest of waters and so its discovery in shallower waters could lead to more research into their habitat and breeding patterns.
With a total length of 12.85 metres this is one of the largest ever recorded. Its mantle (torso) is a mere 2 metres, leaving the eight arms and two longer tentacles to stretch out to a fantastic length of 10.85 metres. As you might imagine this is a dream come true for any seafood chef and the idea of the World Record for the World's largest calamari ring has been too good an opportunity to pass up! The local council has joined the campaign and plans are under way for a fantastic public event to celebrate this exceptional catch and the World record that it has inspired.
However, this is not an easy task, with a body of 2 metres in length the size of the calamari ring will be something of a challenge to cook. And to that end, local authorities are asking for help in finding abnormally large sizes of Paella dishes. Not only to assist with the record attempt but also so ensure that the rest of the Giant Squid is cooked and enjoyed by all at the event. Make sure you don't miss out!